The 2025 CEPOS 15TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AFTER COMMUNISM. EAST AND WEST UNDER SCRUTINY, will be held in Craiova, Romania, on 14-15 march 2025.
MORE INFORMATION: http://cepos.org/upcoming

The Center of Post-Communist Political Studies CEPOS

was established in November 2012 following the Decision of the Senate of the University of Craiova, Romania.

The mission of CEPOS NGO is to foster and enable research and public events series: conferences, workshops, public lectures, round tables, internships, expo photos, discourse contents and debates in interdisciplinary issues such as: political studies and transitional justice, economies in transition, multiculturalism and political history.

CEPOS research is achieved through the following working groups: Working Group 1: State, society and political reform (SSR); Working Group 2: Public policies, institutions and administrative reform (PIA) ; Working Group 3: Rights, liberties and justice reform (RLJ).

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Revista de Stiinte Politice. Revue des Sciences Politiques RSP

is a quarterly peer reviewed academic journal focusing on publishing original papers about the theory, practice, concepts and methods of research in the field of social sciences.

RSP provides free access to all its issues (4 issues/ year). RSP is published continuously since its first appearance in April 2004. Since issue 29/ 2011, RSP provides full text in English.

RSP is published according to its stated frequency:

  • first issue, first available online: April 30;
  • second issue, first available online: June 30;
  • third issue, first available online: September 30;
  • fourth issue, first available online: December 30.

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On our X, Facebook and Instagram feeds On our X, Facebook and Instagram feeds you will find all the information you will ever require.